===== Marty the Robot v1 ===== {{ :martyv1:getting_started:buildguide.png?nolink |}} === Quick Start Guide === Go here first if you've just got your Marty, or you're wanting to rebuild or change some settings. There's info on the build, WiFi setup, calibration, and how to remote control Marty [[martyv1:getting_started:start| ]] {{ :martyv1:getting_started:play.png?nolink |}} === Using Marty === Head here to get coding, and see activities and examples for what you can do with your Marty. This is also where you'll find expansions and 3D printable files! [[martyv1:using-marty:start| ]] {{ :martyv1:getting_started:education.png?nolink |}} === Education === Lesson plans and activities for using Marty in your class or code club! [[https://learn.robotical.io/lessons/martyVersions/1| ]] ===== Quick Links ===== {{ :martyv1:using-marty:handshake5.png?nolink |}} === Scratch === [[martyv1:using-marty:program:scratch| ]] {{ :martyv1:python-logo.png?nolink |}} === Python === [[martyv1:using-marty:program:python| ]] select from descendants where path like '%start' and path != ':martyv2:userguides:start' and level=2 Categories === $title === ${date_modified | format('MMM dd HH:mm')} ${description | head(100,'...')} [[$path| ]] select from descendants where level = 1 Pages === $title === ${date_modified | format('MMM dd HH:mm')} ${description | head(100,'...')} [[$path| ]] [[https://learn.robotical.io/lessons/martyVersions/1|Lessons & Resources]]