The noise sensor add-on can be used to measure overall noise level, it can't be used like a microphone to distinguish specific sounds, but you can use it to detect loud sounds like a clap, or show the {{|"envelope"}} of a sound
{{ :martyv2:userguides:sensorsandaddons:20210907_152018.jpg?400 }} Front of noise sensor, showing the microphone, sensitivity adjustment and noise level LED
{{ :martyv2:userguides:sensorsandaddons:noise-sensor-back.jpg?400&nolink }} Back of the noise sensor, showing the i2c connectors, microcontroller and the rest of the circuitry===== Set Up ===== {{ youtube>ldpIoseIfVI?medium }} The noise sensor is designed to attach to one of the two attachment points on each of Marty's feet - the front or the back. ==== Step 1: Decide where to mount the sensor, and ensure you have a free cable ==== You may need to unscrew and disconnect an existing sensor to make space for the noise sensor. Alternatively mount it at the back of the foot instead. ==== Step 2: Connect the cable to the noise sensor ==== Connect the black i2c cable to either socket on the noise sensor - it doesn't matter which one ==== Step 3: Fix the noise sensor board to Marty ==== Use two M3 nuts and bolts to firmly fix the noise sensor to the foot. ===== Checking and Configuring the Sensor ===== When you are connected to your Marty from the Marty the Robot v2 app, select **Configure** then **Add-ons** to get to the Add-on configuration screen.
{{ :martyv2:userguides:sensorsandaddons:noise_sensor1.png?500 }} The noise sensor in the add-on listYour noise sensor should be shown in the list of addons. It will have a default name like "AddOn_I2CB_27" unless you have previously given it a name. There is no need to rename the sensor unless you have more than one When you select the noise sensor from the list, the LED on it will flash for a few seconds - this can help to identify which sensor is which, if you have more than one. ===== Using the Noise Sensor =====
{{ :martyv2:userguides:sensorsandaddons:20210907_1520158.jpg?400 }} The sensitivity tuner can be turned to change the amount of noise that activates the sensor==== Using with MartyBlocks ==== The noise sensor can be read using the "
{{ :martyv2:userguides:sensorsandaddons:noise-sensor-scratch-1.png?600&direct }} Click the checkbox next to the noise sensor to see a live display of the sensor value=== Example: Clap activated Marty === The code shown in the screenshot here makes Marty dance if you clap twice in quick succession. A single clap, or two claps with a delay in between will be ignored
{{ :martyv2:userguides:sensorsandaddons:noise-sensor-scatch-2.png?600&direct }} Marty double-clap activated dancingIn this example we use a variable named ''clap counter'' to count the number of claps - when it reaches 2 Marty is told to dance. The MartyBlocks (based on Scratch) timer is used to count the timing between the two claps, and reset the system if a second clap doesn't happen quickly enough.
{{ youtube>AJpdtCT1UF8?medium }} A video showing double-clap activated dancing! Two quick claps must be used to activate Marty=== Example: Graphing the sensor output === The code shown here makes a graph of the readings from the noise sensor
{{ :martyv2:userguides:sensorsandaddons:noise-sensor-scratch-graph.png?600&direct }} Using a sprite and the Pen extension to make a graph of sound levelIn the screenshot here, the graph shows noise over a few seconds. The smaller bumps are whistles, and the two short, sharp spikes are claps